Blood Ravens
++Homeworld: None++
++Primarch: Unknown++
History of the Blood Ravens
The Blood Ravens history is an odd mystery in the Imperium. The Chapter's history goes back to M.37 before suddenly cutting out almost completely. Though vague references and mentions of the Blood Ravens can be found in Imperial records prior to that date. However the records mentioned are either missing or locked away under an Inquisitorial Seal. The gaps in the records are so extensive that the chapter does not even know the Origins of its Gene Seed or their father Primarch. The fact that the Blood Ravens own records are lost along with those throughout the Inquisition from one side of the Galaxy to the other has dark indications. It suggests that a concerted effort from operatives within many Imperial Organizations including the Inquisition and the Blood Ravens worked together to eliminate almost all trace of the Blood Ravens past. Why this might have been is unknown but the event is known as the "un-founding" by the Blood Ravens. What is odder still is that records on the Blood Ravens were discovered on Eldar knowledge worlds hidden in the Eye of Terror and guarded by the enigmatic Harlequins themselves.
At some time in the Chapter's history, during their early campaigns in the Gothic Sector, the Chapter took immense losses to the forces of Chaos the Chapter Master and Master of Sancity fell covering the retreat of the Chapter's first company. With heavy cassualties and no strong replacements for the fallen Chapter Command, the Chief Librarian Azariah Vidya stepped forth and took command of the Chapter, becoming the first in the Blood Ravens to hold the duel mantle of Chapter Master and Chief Librarian. Known as the Great Father, Azariah Vidya used his psychic power and traditional methods to learn his enemies in minute detail and then launch devastating attacks against weak points in the enemy forces.
Azariah Vidya led the rebuilding of the Chapter after its losses and the current organization of the Blood Ravens has been influenced strongly by the teachings of the Great Father. The Blood Ravens will study their adversaries closely before launching precise attacks at key points. The Chapter also has one more distinct trait, it gathers and guards knowledge with great zeal. A tendency that catches the attention of some individuals in the Imperium, something that is not necessarily a good thing.
A tome allegedly penned by Azariah Vidya himself called the Apocrypha of the Un-Founding postulates that the Blood Ravens are a Chapter dear to the Soul of the Emperor himself, and that their history was hidden by agents close to the throne, to keep them secret from the Emperor's other sons but not from the Blood Ravens themselves. The Apocrypha argues that searching for these lost answers is not heretical as long as the knowledge is kept within the Chapter itself.
The Blood Ravens are a Codex Chapter and follow Guilliman's decrees closely. However the Blood Ravens show a few distinct differences from other Codex Chapters. Firstly the Blood Ravens chapter has a much higher saturation of Librarians than most chapters. It is not uncommon for multiple Librarians to be attatched to companies, Librarians to be in charge of outposts and ships and even companies when necessary, such as Librarian-Captain Lucius the former Captain of the 5th Company. The 1st Company of the Blood Ravens includes several squads made up entirely of Librarians, that are dispatched on only the most important missions. Though what these may be is unknown. The Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens also traditionally holds the duel role of Chapter Master and Chief Librarian, a tradition dating back to when the Great Father Azariah Vidya was the first to do so. Whatever the reason for such an increased number of Librarians, they are an integral part of the Chapter, for instance the 9th Company had no less than four Librarians attached to it, though with Bherald and Rhamah's death that number drops to two. Other Librarians of note in the Chapter are Isador Akios, former Librarian of the 3rd Company before turning traitor, Father Jonas previously stationed on the recruiting world of Rahe's Paradise and the two other 9th Company Librarians, Zhaphel and Korinth.
The Librarians of the Chapter also fulfill a number of more secretive and specialized roles, including constant stewardship of the great Librarium of the Omnis Arcanum, and the Secret Orders of Psykana who maintain the Sanctorium Arcanum aboard the Battle-Barge the Litany of Fury.
Secondly the Blood Ravens have a very politically motivated Command Structure, including secretive Masters of the Chapter led by the mysterious Chapter Master and Chief Librarian Azariah Kyras. More visible envoys of Kyras are marines like Captain Apollo Diomedes, Commander of the Chapter's Honor Guard who often acts as Azariah Kyras' strong right hand. What consequences the seedy politics of the Blood Ravens will have in the long run is uncertain, but if recent events are any indication the Blood Ravens may be heading straight towards a civil war.
As a fleet based Chapter the Blood Ravens recruit from many different worlds, and recruitment, training and implantation can be done by nearly every capitol ship in the fleet and the Chapter's gene-seed is spread throughout the fleet, stored in the Implantation Chambers aboard each vessel. These chambers are the most protected on any ship and will be defended by the Blood Ravens with their lives if need be, for the Chambers contain the very genetic essence of the Chapter's future. The Chapter is based out of the Battle-Barge the Omnis Arcanum that serves as the mobile Fortress Monastery of the Chapter. It is from the Omnis Arcanum that Chapter Master Azariah Kyras directs the efforts of the Chapter's Companies and where the great Librarium Sanatorium of the Chapter stores all the knowledge gathered by the Chapter's various forces. Like many Chapters, the Blood Ravens maintain an Honor Guard for the Chapter Master. Master Kyras' Honor Guard are currently headed by Captain Apollo Diomedes, who is the physical embodiment of Chapter Master Kyras' will.
The Blood Ravens have suffered a number of massive losses in recent times during the Kaurava, Tartarus and Aurelia Campaigns, along with the loss of a number of the Chapter's recruiting worlds. It will take some time to rebuild the Chapter from such losses and with every recruiting world ravaged the Blood Raven's prospects become that much darker.
The Blood Ravens, like many fleet based chapters, recruits from a number of different worlds, however the class of worlds they recruit from is not limited, they draw initiates from feral worlds and hive worlds. The only similarity between the worlds is the higher volume of psykers they contain, leading to an increased number of Librarians in the chapter. However recent events have seen the Blood Ravens lose many of these recruiting worlds. The known recruiting worlds and their status' are as follows:
-An old recruiting world of the Chapter, Cyrene is located in the Aurelia subsector but was cleansed by Exterminatus when Captain Gabriel Angelos discovered a chaos taint on the planet and requested an Inquisitorial purge. The exact nature of the taint and the reasons Angelos deemed Exterminatus necessary, are like many things with the Blood Ravens, a mystery.
Typhon Primaris
-Another of the 4 worlds in the Aurelia sub-sector, Typhon Primaris was a jungle planet that provided feral but strong recruits to the Chapter, however when Tyranids invaded the sub-sector their taint reached Typhon Primaris quickly and festered in the depths of the jungle unnoticed, by the time the Blood Ravens arrived the planet was in the final stages of Tyranid Bio-Consumption and saving the planet is no longer a realistic option. It is unclear what will be done with Typhon Primaris but most likely it will face the cleansing fires of Exterminatus.
-Caldaris is a mostly desert world populated sparsely by traveling bands of nomadic humans. These hardy peoples used to provide recruits to the Blood Ravens but the Waaagh of Warboss Gorgrim drove the Feral Orks on the planet to sweep across the sands in a tidal wave of destruction. Only a scant few of the planets inhabitants escaped aboard chartered craft or with the Blood Ravens, the rest were left to die horribly and violently to the Orks. As with Typhon Primaris it is unclear what will be done with Caldaris, when Gorgrim has gathered enough boyz he will move on leaving the world barren, the Feral Ork populace decimated and the survivors gone, the humans having either fled or died. The planet might be re-colonized at some point but the culture of Calderis and the majority of it's people are no more.
-Meridian is the Capitol of the Aurelia sub-sector and now the only populated world of the sub-sector as well, Cyrene, Calderis and Typhon Primaris having been wiped out due to Chaos, Orks and Tyranids respectively and Meridian itself came perilously close to succumbing to the Tyranids as well. Only the miraculous arrival of Captain Gabriel Angelos and the Blood Ravens 3rd and 9th Companies stopped the Tyranids from overrunning the planet. The initial defenders under Sergeant Aramus were nearly wiped out during he campaign. However Meridian is only barely a Blood Ravens recruiting world, the first recruits it has provided in centuries being Sergeant Thaddeus and Sergeant Aramus. Interrestingly enough Sergeant Thaddeus did locate two likely young boys during his mission deep behind Tyranid lines and they show promise as initiates to the Chapter.
-The lost capitol of the Aurelia Sub-sector, the planet Aurelia was home to the Fortress Monastery Selenon of the Blood Ravens. When the Greater Daemon of Nurgle Ulkair manifested on the planet the Blood Ravens fought valiantly to destroy it, but their efforts came to naught, for the Daemon was too powerful to be destroyed outright. One of the Chapter's Librarians known as Kyras managed to seal the weakened Ulkair within the ruins of Selenon. Even this effort was not enough to save the planet and in time Aurelia was drawn into the depths of the warp. Only recently has the planet suddenly returned from the warp, a frozen wasteland polluted by the touch of chaos and with the dread Ulkair still awaiting within the ruins of the Chapter's Fortress Monastery.
Rahe's Paradise
-Rahe's Paradise is yet another recruiting world of the Blood Ravens to have been lost recently, the planet having been discovered to be an ancient Necron Tomb World. The Blood Ravens campaign against the Necrons and the Eldar on the planet cost them dearly but did result in a handfull of initiates to the Chapter though the world is now lost.
Trontiux III
-One of the Chapter's remaining principle recruiting worlds. Trontiux III was recently visited by the Litany of Fury following the Tartarus Campaign.
Inquisitorial Relations
The Blood Ravens have an interesting relation with the Inquisition. Blood Ravens Librarians can be found in the Death Watch and the chapter appears to have close relations with the Grey Knights of the Ordo Malleus. It would appear that the all Psyker Grey Knights feel an affinity for the Blood Ravens and trust the chapter with knowledge of their existence. The Grey Knights attatched a task force to the Blood Ravens during the Kronus incident for reasons unknown. However due to the presence of the Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers Eliphas and his creation of a massive warp gate, the Grey Knights presence could only be expected, though it is interesting to note that the Grey Knights worked so closely with the Blood Ravens and not with the other Imperial forces on the planet, indeed the two came into conflict because of the unflinching and conflicting orders of Governor Militant Lucas Alexander and Captain Davian Thule.
Gabriel Angelos, Captain of the Blood Ravens 3rd Company also appears to be under Inquisitorial investigation after the events on Tartarus and suspicions around Inquisitor Mordicai Toth. The truth of those events that saw the entire planet fall to chaos and be exterminated are highly suspicious and it is unknown as to the Inquisition's position on the event. It does not help matters that Captain Angelos has encountered both the Necrons, Eldar and Chaos forces so often in recent times and even temporarily sided with the Eldar. What exactly Gabriel is up to, his mental state and whether his actions are in danger of bringing an Inquisitorial Purge on the chapter is as yet uncertain. However what is noteworthy is that the Blood Ravens forces on Kronus had a team of Grey Knights attatched to them during the campaign and Davian Thule was gifted with a Daemonhammer as well as a number of powerful Chapter relics for the campaign. Meaning it must have been highly important to the chapter. It is suspected that he died during the campaign.
The Blood Ravens have a deep belief in the Emperor, more so than the average marine, perhaps because they do not know who their Father Primarch is. A common battle cry of the Chapter is: "for the unknown Primarch and the Emperor!" The Blood Ravens venerate knowledge and constantly seek it out and guard it. Their moto is "knowledge is power, guard it well," a maxim held firmly by all the Chapter's Librarians and central to the Chapter.
Recent Campaigns
The Tartarus Campaign
In the Blood Ravens recent history, five events stand out. Captain Gabriel Angelos of the 3rd Company, Commander of the Watch and commander of the Battle Barge the Litany of Fury and the Strike Cruiser the Ravenous Spirit. Gabriel uncovered a deep stain of taint on his home planet of Cyrene, one of the main recruiting planets for the chapter and was forced to call on the aid of the Inquisition to perform Exterminatus on the planet.
Shortly following the destruction of Cyrene, the 3rd Company went to aid the Imperial forces on the planet Tartarus, a strange planet in Imperial history. Over the course of the campaign the Blood Ravens uncoverd the planet's dark history, locating numerous sites of Chaos power and relics of the Eldar, left behind to aid future generations in continuing to battle the forces of Chaos trapped on the planet. Over the course of the fighting most of the population that was not evacuated fell to chaos, the rest falling to the Orks and very few escaping. For the Ork invasion had been only a diversion. A forcce of Traitor Marines from the Alpha Legion, led by the Chaos Lord Baal and the Sorcerer Sindri. Gabriel Angelos disregarded the warnings of the Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Mordicai Toth and continued to hunt down the hidden forces on the planet. Finally Gabriel discovered that a force of Eldar from Biel Tan had come to re-seal a powerful Daemon in a stone known as the Maledictum that had been hidden on the planet, underneath its capitol city. However the Blood Ravens broke the back of the Eldar forces, slaying the Avatar of Khain and killing many of the Eldar warriors. Despite their intervention Sindri managed to steal the Maledictum and its key from underneath the Imperial and Xenos forces.
Perhaps the most regretable event of the fighting on Cyrene was not the many battle brothers lost, but the treachery of Librarian Isador Akios, who had been an initiate with Gabriel became corrupted by the power of the Maledictum, and it was he who handed it over to Sindri, despite believing himself to be in control he had been manipulated by the Chaos Sorcerer from the begining, his treachery could not be forgiven and Isador proved the weaker when he was faced in personal combat by Gabriel Angelos.
At the conclusion of the Campaign, Gabriel shattered the Maledictum with a Daemonhammer forged from a shard of the Wailing Doom, the blade of the Biel Tan Avatar of Khaine. This only released the Daemon however, due to the amount of blood shed on the planet, which was in essence an alter for chaos. When the Daemon was released it hinted at a connection between itself and Inquisitor Toth. It would appear that the Inquisitor was not as pure as he seemed to be. However Gabriel was unable to pursue the matter further, having to escape the planet with the wounded and the single recruite taken from the planet, Storm Trooper Sergeant Ckrius. The young guardsmen had been taken under the wing of Terminator Sergeant Tanthius and despite being badly wounded in the fighting was taken aboard the Litany of Fury where he began the long and painful process of becoming a Space Marine. On Tartarus the Scout Sergeant Corallis suffered grevious injuries to the Eldar Warp Spiders, however he survived and returned to service bearing a number of Bionics.
The Rahe's Paradise Discovery
This was not the only event Captain Angelos was to take part in. The 9th Company took command of the Litany of Fury during the reclamation of the planet Lorn V where an Imperial Warlord Titan had been discovered. The Ultramarines took center stage in the fighting and the Imperial forces there showed great suspicion towards the Blood Ravens. A Chaos Lord of the World Eaters legion, servants of the Blood God of Khorn was defeated and the Ork Warlord Gorgutz escaped to later plague the Blood Ravens. Meanwhile Gabriel took the 3rd Company aboard the Rage of Erudition to the planet Rahe's Paradise, a recruitment world for the Blood Ravens where they kept a training outpost under the command of Father Librarian Jonas, an elder Librarian of the chapter who took the assignment to continue his hobby of archeology. For the Blood Ravens outpost had been built ontop of the ruins of an ancient astartes fortress. Jonas, working with elements of the Adepta Sororitas uncovered a great many relics underneath the monistary, including most surprisingly an Eldar artifact contained in a stone chest built by both Eldar and the Astartes. Such a thing led to strange indications of ties between the Astartes of Rahe's Paradise and the vile Eldar xenos.
On Rahe's Paradise Gabriel clashed with Farseer Macha, who had commanded the Biel Tan forces on Tartarus. For unbeknownst to Gabriel at the time, the planet was a Necron Tomb World. The Eldar had apparently aided the Astartes on the planet in centuries past and left them as its guards, only for the Astartes to have abandoned their outpost for some unknown reason later. Chaplain Prathios fell to the Eldar on Rahe's Paradise, however his wounds did not finish him, while grave he survived long enough to be interred in the sacred sarcophagi. However whether he will be interred within a Dreadnaught is as yet unknown. Despite the valiant attempts of the Eldar and the Blood Ravens the Necrons awoke, the fragile technologies of the Eldar that had been set to keep the Necrons in stasis failing with the death of a Dark Reaper frigate and the scattering of its malice filled Spirit Pool. The death of the Dark Reaper's Dragon Class warship was due to the Strike Cruisers the Rage of Erudition under command of Sergeant Saulh of the 9th Company and the Ravenous Spirit under command of Sergeant Kohath of the 3rd Company. Working together the Blood Ravens and Eldar managed to defeat the Necrons, but again taking heavy cassualties and forced to perform exterminatus on the planet. However once again Tanthius recovered a number of worthy initiates who had survived battle against the Eldar, rising from hidden tunnels in the desert to tear apart an Eldar skimmer with their bare hands. Leading them was a promissing young potential psyker named Varjak.
The Necron Killer
Following these events the Blood Ravens 3rd Company, and even the 9th Company had suffered heavy losses. The 9th Company still waged battle over Lorn V as Gabriel made for the planet with the Ravenous Spirit. However before her ship was destroyed the Farseer Taldeer teleported herself abourd the Litany of Fury. Despite his instincts Captain Ulantus of the Blood Ravens 9th Company did not kill the Eldar but waited until Captain Angelos arrived. When Gabriel met with the wounded Farseer he did something highly unusual, Launching a Thunderhawk gunship in the warp, guided by Taldeer to reach a hidden Harlequin knowledge world.
During the trip through the warp to Lorn V the Litany of Fury was breached by a warp energy, defending the implantation chamber the 9th Companies three Librarians fought the warp entity. Librarian Rhamah was sucked into the warp to defend the implantation chamber. Librarians Zhaphel and Korinth watched Rhamah dissapear, but the Implantation chamber was safe, the gene-seed protected. However when Rhamah was sucked into the warp he had been deposited on the same world of Knowledge Gabriel was heading towards. Rhamah unknowingly carried a force sword forged from a piece of the broken blade of Vaul, the single flawed sword that led to the death of many Eldar heroes in the titanic battle between Khaine and the Necrontyr war hoste.
Ahriman of the Thousand Sons and his Prodigal Sons had gotten to the world first. Helping Rhamah, Ahriman hinted at a possible connection between the Blood Ravens and the Thousand Sons, even revealing a text bearing the Blood Ravens symbol in the library on the dead Eldar world. Despite this however Rhamah fell to a Harlequin solitair during a dance to reforge the blade of Vaul. Gabriel Angelos, Korinth, Zhaphel, Jonas and others of the Blood Ravens fought Ahriman on the Harlequin stage, not knowing that they were playing into the performance of the Harlequins. When the dance was completed Ahriman dissapeared through a portal he thought would lead to the Black Library, his ultimate destination and why he had come to the world, seeking a pathway there. Gabriel used another portal to reach the bridge of the Litany of Fury. Giving the re-forged Blade of Vaul to Farseer Macha, so she could use it to defeat the Necrons. Shortly after this event Ckrius finished his implantation, which had been almost completely successful. However the accelerated process caused his hands to mutate, but the chapter accepted that as a necessity to recover from their immense cassualties.
Campaign for Kronus
The last notable event in the Blood Ravens recent history was the campaign for the world of Kronus. The Blood Ravens uncovered artifacts of their past on the planet, in the frozen wastes of North Vandea. Under orders from the Chapter Master three companies were dispatched to cleanse the world. However after discovering a great Titan gun dating back to the Horus Heresy, General Lucas Alexander was named Governor Militant and ordered to take back the planet. This order clashed directly with the Blood Ravens and caused the two Imperial forces to clash in a bloody contest. Forces from the Word Bearer's Traitor Legion, Ork Warlord Gorgutz, the Tau forces under Shas'O Kais and Eldar under Farseer Taldeer were also present. The Blood Ravens forces were led by Captain Davian Thule of the 5th Company, and the Battle Barge the Litany of Fury was present as well. These facts suggest the events took place prior to Cyrene and Tartarus. The world also happened to be a Necron Tomb world. However due to the nature of these events the true outcome is not, as of yet, known though the fall from fame of Captain Thule indicates that the Campaign was far from glorious.
Campaign for Kaurava
The campaign for the Kaurava system saw the Blood Ravens pitted against the Imperial Guard stationed in the system and a Holy Crusade of Adepta Sororitas. Despite the presence of more than enough enemies in the form of Orks, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Chaos and Tau the Imperial forces wound up in brutal infighting and the Campaign was apparently a disaster though the exact outcome is uncertain.
The Blood Ravens established their presence in the Kaurava system on the 2nd World of Kaurava II. Recognizing the strength and potential of the local inhabitants of the inhospitable mountains in which the Blood Ravens established themselves, the Chapter decided to examine the possibility of recruiting from these fairly barbaric inhabitants of the system backwater. Unfortunately for the Blood Ravens, Captain Indrick Boreale was lost along with most of the marines and scouts under his command. The survivors of the Campaign would speak of it rarely, if at all and viewed the Campaign as a major mistake.
The Aurelia Campaign
Initially Captain Thule was despatched to the Aurelia sub-system on a recruiting mission while other elements of the 5th Company participated in the Campaign on Prosperon to recover relics of the Imperium before the Tyranids could consume them. Despite horrific losses during the Campaign newly promoted Sergeant Aramus was able to hold onto the Capitol of Meridian despite the sabotage of the Imperial defenders by the Eldar, and the treachery of the Imperial Governor Vandis. Though lauded as a victory the Blood Ravens losses during the Campaign were nearly catastrophic and included the mortal wounding of Captain Davian Thule, whose death was only stalled by his internment within a Dreadnaught Sarcophagus.
The Campaign was brought to a conclusion by the arrival of Captain Gabriel Angelos along with the remaining elements of the Blood Ravens 3rd and 9th Companies and together the Blood Ravens forces were able to halt the advance of the Tyranids on Meridian though the worlds of Calderis and Typhon Primaris are lost and the victory is most deffinitely a phyrric one if a true victory at all. The mere handfull of recruits gathered won't come anywhere close to recovering the Blood Ravens losses and the scouring of yet another two of the Blood Ravens recruiting worlds leaves the Blood Ravens in a desperate hour indeed.
Aurelia Returns
Just when all seemed to be returning to normal in the Aurelia Sub-Sector the warp opened up and spat out the former Capitol of the System and seat of the Blood Ravens power, the planet Aurelia. Home to the Fortress Monastery Selenon and many loyal citizens of the Imperium, the planet was corrupted by a Greater Daemon of Nurgle known as Ulkair. Chapter Master Moriah had attempted to destroy the daemon but failed, the weakened daemon was imprisoned in the depths of Keep Selenon by Chapter Master Kyras, but the daemons influence was too strong and eventually the shaken Kyras fell to the taint of chaos. Eventually Aurelia was pulled into the warp and was forgotten.
Yet the ice encased world returned bearing the foul hordes of Chaos, a warband of Black Legion Chaos Space Marines led by the Chaos Lord Araghast the Pillager and the former Word Bearers Dark Apostle Eliphas the Inheritor. Captain Gabriel Angelos and Commander Aramus rally the marines of the 3rd and 5th Company to face this threat, but no sooner do they join combat then the Eldar and the ever present Orks rise up to cause trouble along with the heretical House Vandis soldiery. Before long the entire Sub-Sector is embroiled in fresh combat against multiple foes with the forces of Chaos causing havoc at will. As the Blood Ravens scramble to respond to these threats even more dire circumstances come to light as the Space Hulk the Judgment of Carrion returns to the sub-sector.
Determined to recover valuable intelligence and technology from the Space Hulk to aid them against the foul powers of Chaos, the Blood Ravens under the command of Sergeant Aramus assault the Judgment of Carrion only to discover the bodies of fallen Blood Ravens from the 5th Company. Formerly members of an expedition aboard the Space Hulk led by Apothecary Galan, as the forces of Sergeant Aramus investigate the Hulk they are shocked to find evidence of Galan's corruption by the powers of chaos, but the truth of the matter is far more insidious.
As Sergeant Aramus and Captain Angelos desperately fight to keep control of the sector and unlock the secrets of both the Judgment of Carrion and the lost planet Aurelia they are interrupted by the arrival of Honor Guard Captain Apollo Diomedes. The right hand of Chapter Master and Chief Librarian Azariah Kyras. Diomedes orders all Blood Ravens forces to stand down, an order both Angelos and Aramus promptly ignore. As Diomedes gets increasingly sterner in his orders Aramus and Angelos continue to resist the forces of the Black Legion, with whom the Chapter had recently avoided open conflict with for an unknown reason.
Eventually Sergeant Aramus discovers the corruption of Techmarine Martellus, formerly presumed to have died in the crash-landing of his Thunderhawk on the planet Typhon Primaris but who Sergeant Aramus fought to recover upon discovering his continued survival. Unfortunately Martellus survived only with the corrupting help of the powers of Chaos, the loyal Techmarine becoming a lackey of the tainted Apothecary Galan and his patrons within the Chapter. As his investigations continue Sergeant Aramus discovers to his horror that the source of corruption is none other than Chapter Master Kyras himself, who fell under the sway of the Daemon Ulkair on Aurelia and spread his taint to Galan aboard the Space Hulk the Judgment of Carrion. Kyras escaped the doomed planet Aurelia aboard the Space Hulk and returned to the Chapter with his dark seed of corruption when he met with Galan's expedition.
Daring open conflict with Captain Diomedes' forces in their base-camp on Calderis, Sergeant Aramus strikes at Apothecary Galan, slaying the traitor and his tainted bodyguard of Terminators, ending in a confrontation with Captain Diomedes himself. Reluctant to accept the corruption of his political patron within the Chapter Diomedes is torn but lets Sergeant Aramus and his comrades to leave Calderis and continue their operations against the warband of Araghast the Pillager.
The Battle for Aurelia culminates in the death of Eliphas the Inheritor, who seized control of the warband by betraying Araghast and leaving him to the blades of the Blood Ravens earlier in the fighting. Despite Eliphas' machinations, Sergeant Aramus was able to re-seal the Daemon Ulkair in its icy tomb within Keep Selenon on Aurelia.
Despite this victory, Chapter Master Kyras declared Captain Gabriel Angelos a renegade and traitor to the Chapter and Sergeant Aramus now finds himself faced with the knowledge that the very Chapter Master is a corrupt agent of the Chaos Gods. Diomedes and Aramus return to the Chapter to bide their time while Angelos flees Kyras' wrath. When the time is right the 3rd Company will return and together with Aramus and Diomedes, cleanse the Chapter of the insidious taint at its core.
The Purge of the Aurelia Sub-Sector
Ten years after the return of the planet Aurelia the Blood Ravens returned to the Aurelia Sub-Sector which was once more thrown into turmoil, infested with a variety of xenos invaders, chaos marines and renegades. The Heroes of Tython had been transferred to the Chapter Honor Guard under the command of Captain Diomedes. With the threat of Exterminatus hanging over the system the Honor Guard worked to uncover the heretics in their own midst and halt the Inquisition's exterminatus of the system. The Honor Guard were not in time to save Tython which was cleansed by fire from orbit, unwittingly destroying millions of soul stones held within an ancient craftworld buried beneath the surface of the jungle planet. The release of so many Eldar spirits to be devoured by the warp fueled Azariah Kyras' ascension to daemonhood. Despite this setback Captain Apollo Diomedes and the Heroes of Tython discovered undeniable proof of the corruption of Chapter Master Kyras. The Honor Guard discovered that centuries before the Daemon Ulkair twisted Librarian Kyras, turning him to the worship of chaos but in time Kyras abandoned Ulkair in favor of a much more powerful daemon, the champion of the Blood God who had been imprisoned in the Maledictum.
Alongside Captain Gabriel Angelos they brought the Chapter Master to battle on the only world in the sub-sector that had already been the subject of an exterminatus, Cyrene. Gabriel Angelos engaged the rising Daemon Prince first and was struck down by the daemon Kyras. Captain Diomedes and the Heroes of Tython were able to finish what Gabriel Angelos started and defeat Kyras and the forces of the Black Legion, saving the remaining worlds of the Aurelia sub-sector and excising the corrupt heart of the Chapter. Miraculously Captain Angelos survived his grievous wounds, albeit through significant augmetic replacement and reconstruction. Gabriel Angelos became the new Chapter Master, leading the Blood Ravens into a new era of honor and glory.
The Blood Ravens Fleet
The Omnis Arcanum
-The Omnis Arcanum is the flagship of the Blood Ravens fleet and where the primary Librarium of the chapter is located. However little more is known about the venerable ship, where it travels or even if it really is the home of the secretive Masters of the Blood Ravens.
The Litany of Fury
-A venerable Battle Barge and warship of the 3rd Company, the Litany of Fury carries a great many secrets within its hold and is a beacon of light in the darkness of the eastern fringe, where the light of the Astronomicon wanes. The Sanctorium Arcanum is a secret vault within the Battle-Barge, tended by Librarians of the Chapter initiated into the Secret Orders of Psykana of the Blood Ravens. The Sanctorium Arcanum is an astropathic choir in mimicry of the Astronomican itself, a mobile repeater station to boost the light of the Astronomican in the distant eastern fringe. The Santorium Arcanum, like many relics of the Chapter, was created by the Great Father Azariah Vidya and its true origins and function have been lost to the mists of time and legend but is still maintained by the Librarians of the Chapter.
Scientia Est Potentia
-Battle-Barge of the Blood Ravens 5th Company.
The Retribution
-Strike Cruiser assigned to the remnants of the 5th Company following the loss of the Armageddon.
The Armageddon
-Fomer Strike Cruiser of the 5th Company, lost during the battle for the Aurelia Sub-Sector.
The Ravenous Spirit
-Strike Cruiser in service to Gabriel Angelos during his mission to Cyrene.
Rage of Erudition
-Strike Cruiser under the command of Sergeant Saulh.
Noteworthy Characters
Great Father Azariah Vidya
-The first to hold the duel role of Chapter Master and Chief Librarian, it was Vidya who re-built the chapter after its near destruction and the un-founding. In the Apocrypha Azaraiah: Travails of Vidya it is said that the Great Father was entombed in a Dreadnought Sarcophagus and floated in the depths of space for many decades before eventually being recovered by the Ravenous Spirit of the 3rd Company.
Chapter Master Izaria
-Former Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens, it was Izaria who crushed the renegade Librarians of Father Phraius.
Chapter Master Moriah
-Moriah was the Chapter Master and Chief Librarian during the first battle against the Greater Daemon Ulkair on the planet of Aurelia. Moriah was Azariah Kyras' mentor but fell in battle against the daemon. Kyras was crushed by the death of his mentor and all the other Blood Ravens that had been lost in the battle.
Chapter Master Azariah Kyras
-Chapter Master and Chief Librarian of the Blood Ravens, Azariah Kyras was the only survivor of the first battle for Aurelia against the daemonic infestation that occurred there. While he was successful in trapping the Greater Daemon of Nurgle that plagued the planet, all the other Blood Ravens including Kyras' mentor were killed and he eventually fell to the insidious taint of Chaos. However Kyras kept his taint hidden and eventually rose to become Chief Librarian and Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens. His actions and plans are unknown but he has fooled many great heroes of the Chapter and his taint has only recently been discovered by Captain Gabriel Angelos and Commander Aramus.
Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos
-Gabriel Angelos is the current Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens. Former Captain of the Blood Ravens 3rd Company and Master of the Watch. His ship is the Battle Barge the Litany of Fury, which is home to a secret beacon designed by Azariah Vidya himself, but its purpose is lost to the chapter. Gabriel is suspected to have latent psychic potential that could be brought out with training, but the Chapter Librarium decided against putting the pure hearted Angelos through the trials of becoming a Librarian. However Gabriel may yet have to do so as he has a strange connection to the Astronomican, perhaps enhanced by the secret power aboard his ship. Angelos has come under great scrutiny and suspicion regarding his most recent actions which include the performing of Exterminatus on no less than three planets, two of which were recruiting worlds for the Blood Ravens, and his rather strange and unorthodox, if temporary, alliances with the Eldar of Biel Tan, concerning the mysterious Farseer Macha. During the Tartarus Campaign Gabriel Angelos wielded the Daemonhammer God-Splitter, granted to him by Inquisitor Toth. It was with God-Splitter that Angelos destroyed the Meledictum, the prison of a powerful daemon trapped on Tartarus for millennium. During the final battle for Aurelia Captain Angelos was struck down and grievously wounded by the ascending Daemon Prince Kyras. Captain Angelos miraculously survived his injuries and his body was rebuilt with extensive bionics. With the death of Kyras at the hands of Captain Diomedes and his men Gabriel was named the new Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens. Gabriel Angelos is determined to rebuild the Chapter and bring it into a new age of honor and glory.
Epistolary Anteas
-A senior Librarian of the Chapter, Anteas was assigned to assist Captain Davian Thule during the Kronus Campaign.
Father Librarian Jonas Urelie
-An elder Librarian of the chapter, Jonas was stationed on Rahe's Paradise in command of the outpost there. Scouts freshly inducted into the chapter were stationed there in rotations to train before the world was revealed to be a Necron Tomb World. Jonas headed excavations underneath the outpost along with Sister Ptolmea of the Adepta Sororitas, uncovering an ancient Astartes fortress. Jonas has currently attatched himself to the 3rd Company under Captain Angelos and serves as a temporary replacement for the lost Isador Akios. His force weapon takes the form of a staff.
Librarian Jonah Orion
-Librarian of the Blood Ravens who joined Sergeant Aramus' force during the second battle for the planet Aurelia. A talented psyker and wise marine, Orion was a great asset to Sergeant Aramus and his comrades in their battles against the forces of Chaos.
Librarian Prothius
-Librarian of the Blood Ravens dating back to the last time Tartarus was ravaged, a thousand years prior to Captain Angelos' captaincy. Prothius served in the Death Watch team that recovered a fragment of the Biel Tan Avatar of Khaine's Wailing Doom on Tartarus, working with Inquisitor Jhordine of the Ordo Xenos and Captain Trythos, also of the Blood Ravens.
Librarian Isador Akios
-Former Librarian attatched to the 3rd Company, Isador had been a talented and extremely powerful warrior who served honorably until the 3rd Company arrived on the planet Tartarus. The Chaos Sorcerer Sindri of the Alpha Legion slowly manipulated Isador until he stole the Maledictum, a stone containing a trapped Daemon of great power, from his comrades. Isasdor was slain by Captain Gabriel Angelos soon thereafter. Isador's force staff was tipped with a spread winged raven with the stylised teardrop of the chapter.
Librarian Bherald
-Member of the Secret Orders of Psykana and Librarian of the 9th Company serving on the Litany of Fury, Bherald was killed during the Cyrene Campaign.
Librarian Rhamah
-Member of the Secret Orders of Psykana and Librarian of the 9th Company serving on the Litany of Fury. Rhamah wielded the Force Sword Vairocanum in the defense of the Litany of Fury's Implantation Chamber when the powers of the warp sought to breach the gene-seed storage vault of the Blood Ravens Battle-Barge. Despite their best efforts, Rhamah, Korinth and Zhaphel could not hold back the warp power for long, in desperation Rhamah rammed his sword into the warp hole opening in the deck of the ship. His actions closed the warp portal but sucked the Librarian through first. Deposited on an ancient Eldar world of hidden knowledge, Rhamah had lost many of his memories and eventually encountered Ahriman and a force of his Prodigal Sons. Despite aiding his Brother Blood Ravens and the Eldar against Ahriman Rhamah was killed during the reforging of Vairocanum into its original form, a Blade of Vaul.
Librarian Korinth
-Member of the Secret Orders of Psykana, Korinth is one of the Librarians attatched to the 9th Company. An intelligent and potent Librarian he was one of the Librarians in charge of the secret beacon aboard the Litany of Fury. His force weapon of choice is in the form of a staff. Temporarily attatched himself to the 3rd Company to investigate the loss of Rhamah.
Librarian Zhaphel
-Member of the Secret Orders of Psykana, Zhaphel served with Korinth and Rhamah in the 9th Company, but like Zhaphel attatched himself to the 3rd Company in search of his lost comrade. Zhaphel fights with a strange force axe and has even stranger eyes, one black, the other red. Like many Blood Raven Librarians he is a potent psyker and talented warrior.
Librarian Niven
-The Librarian attatched to Captain Thule's recruiting mission to the Aurelia sub-sector, Niven was wounded during the fighting on Calderis but was revived by Apothecary Gordian and was instrumental in locating the Hive Fleet threat.
Librarian Ikarus Yuiron
-Librarian of the Blood Ravens aboard the Litany of Fury. Ikarus was killed in an Eldar ambush while he was assisting Scout Sergeant Corallis in long patrol sweep.
Librarian Father Phraius
-Father Librarian Phraius and a squad of his fellow Librarians broke from the command of Chapter Master Izaria, going renegade and proclaiming his freedom from the Codex. Chapter Master Izaria crushed the traitor Librarians almost single-handedly.
Librarian Nox
-An infamous renegade Librarian of the Blood Ravens.
Librarian Captain Lucius
-Librarian Captain Lucius and the 5th Company disappearance into the Maelstrom in the Chapter's recent history. Presumed lost, the rebuilt 5th Company still wear badges of dishonor and are called "The Fated" implying that it was not an accident that resulted in Captain Lucius and the 5th Company's disappearance.
Lexicanium Konan
-Astropath for the Strike Cruiser Armageddon under the command of Captain Davian Thule during his mission to the Aurelia sub-sector.
Captain Apollo Diomedes
-The glory seeking commander of Chapter Master Kyras' Honor Guard, Apollo Diomedes is a political animal and extremely loyal to his political patron Azariah Kyras. Diomedes was sent to the Aurelia system to curtail investigations into the Space Hulk the Judgment of Carrion and the events on Aurelia.
Captain Trythos
-Captain of the Blood Ravens 3rd Company dating back to the last time Tartarus was ravaged, a thousand years prior to Captain Angelos' captaincy. Trythos served in the Death Watch team that recovered a fragment of the Biel Tan Avatar of Khaine's Wailing Doom on Tartarus. Working with Inquisitor Jhordine of the Ordo Xenos and Librarian Prothius also of the Blood Ravens. Trythos was mortally wounded serving the Death Watch and his dying body was returned to the Blood Ravens where it was interred into a Dreadnaught. Trythos then returned a thousand years later to Tartarus with the 3rd Company and fell in battle to the Eldar during that campaign.
Captain Ulantus
-Ulantus is the captain of the 9th Company and his company resides together with the 3rd Company on the Litany of Fury. Ulantus does not hide his doubts about Captain Angelos but he is too good a soldier to let them get in the way. Ulantus commanded the Battle Barge above the world of Lorn V and personally went to fight off the Necron forces who attempted a boarding action against the ship.
Captain Davian Thule
-Thule was the Captain of the 5th Company during the Kronus campaign, he was given overall command of the Blood Ravens forces and even had a task force of Grey Knights seconded to him. Thule had overall command of 3 companies including elements from the 1st Company. But his orders brought him into conflict with the Imperial Guard on Kronus. Davian Thule survived the Campaign for Kronus but the secrets of that Campaign haunted him deeply. He fell from the Chapters inner circle due to his misgivings about the events on Kronus and found himself deployed to the backwater sub-sector of Aurelia to fight against an Ork Incursion there. The Ork invasion turned out to be more than it seemed and Thule was mortally wounded by a Tyranid Warrior organism on the planet of Calderis. He survived and with the skills of Apothecary Gordian and Techmarine Martellus was interred within the Sarcophagus of a mighty Dreadnaught. Command of the Aurelia Campaign fell to the young Sergeant Aramus.
Captain Indrick Boreale
-Captain of the Blood Ravens who commanded the Campaign for the Kaurava system. Boreale commanded five companies of Blood Ravens but despite such significant forces the Blood Ravens campaign was a disaster. Captain Boreale was killed in action and most of the marines under his command were lost, a blow from which the Chapter will take a long time to recover.
Captain Haines
-Brother-Captain Haines stood on the front lines for 140 hours straight defending the civilians of New Yemun from Chaos Space Marine marauders of the World Eaters Traitor Legion. Captain Haines wielded the relic Power Fist Skullcrusher.
Reclusiarch Mikelus
-Reclusiarch Mikelus was assigned to assist Captain Davian Thule during the Kronus Campaign, despite his skill and zeal Mikelus fell in battle to the Necron Lord of Kronus.
“To carry our Emperor's will into the darkness beyond the Imperium requires vigilance, sacrifice, and the strength to resist temptations of power and glory.”
-Attributed to Reclusiarch Mikelus.
Chaplain Elizur
-One of two now legendary Missionary-Chaplains that conducted the first Blood Trials on the world of Rahe's Paradise.
Chaplain Shedeur
-Second of the two legendary Missionary-Chaplains that conducted the first Blood Trials on the world of Rahe's Paradise.
Chaplain Prathios
-Prathios was the chaplain of the 3rd Company. Prathios was Captain Angelos' closest friend and mentor and the only one who he could confide in after Isador's betrayal and death. Prathios was mortally wounded on Rahe's Paradise however and interred in a sarcophagi. He may eventually be placed in a Dreadnaught to fight the Emperor's enemies once more. For the time being however he remains in the Apothecarion aboard the Ravenous Spirit.
Chaplain Palmarius
-Chaplain attatched to Davian Thule's recruitment mission to the Aurelia sub-sector.
Apothecary Gordian
-Gordian served with Thule during the Aurelia recruitment mission. Gordian tried but failed to heal Thule after he was badly injured and poisoned by a Tyranid Warrior on Calderis, however with the help of Techmarine Martellus he interred Thule into a reverred Dreadnaught sarcophagus allowing the legendary Captain to fight again.
Apothecary Galan
-Apothecary who led the expedition aboard the Space Hulk the Judgment of Carrion, fell to the powers of Chaos under the influence of tainted Librarian Kyras. Served in the Chapter's Honor Guard as an agent of Kyras but was discovered and killed by Sergeant Aramus and his strike-force on the desert world of Calderis.
Apothecary Medicius
-Apothecary serving aboard the Litany of Fury. Medicius oversaw the internment of Chaplain Prathios in a Dreadnaught Sarcophagus and performed the transformation of Scout Ckrius.
Techmarine Martellus
-Martellus served with Captain Thule during the Aurelia recruitment mission and spent most of the time staying aboard the Armageddon and tending to a Dreadnaught body recently returned from repairs, it was Martellus who decided that interring Davian Thule into the Dreadnaught was the only way to save him and assist Sergeant Aramus on Meridian at the end of the Campaign. Sergeant Aramus and the other survivors of the Battle for Typhon were overjoyed to learn of Martellus' survival. Techmarine Martellus was eventually transferred to Captain Diomedes command and participated in the defeat of the corrupted Chapter Master Kyras.
Techmarine Ephraim
-Techmarine serving Captain Gabriel Angelos during his mission to Rahe's Paradise.
Terminator Sergeant Tanthius
-Tanthius is the sergeant of the Terminator squad attatched to the 3rd Company. Fiercly loyal to Gabriel, Tanthius is a stalwart leader in the company and a symbol of power around which his comrades rally in battle. It was Tanthius who led the charge many times in the fighting on Tartarus and Rahe's Paradise. Tanthius also managed to fight and defeat a powerful Dark Reaper Exarch in single combat. Scout Ckrius owes his initiation into the chapter to Tanthius who took a liking ot the young sergeant on Tartarus and made sure to keep the young guardsmen alive.
Sergeant Lysandros
-Member of Kyras' corrupted faction within the Blood Ravens. Commanded the mission to purge the Argus Settlement on Calderis to cover the Chapter Master's tracks.
Sergeant Lyons
-A very puritanical veteran of the Chapter who served during the Rdzak Heresy, slaying thousands of heretics before eventually falling to the Chaos Sorcerer Neroth.
Sergeant Ulyus
-Sergeant of one of 2nd Company's Assault Squads seconded to the outpost of Rahe's Paradise. Ulyus and his squad departed Rahe's Paradise several months before the arrival of Captain Gabriel Angelos, leaving the outpost undermanned.
Sergeant Matiel
-Assault Sergeant of the 3rd Company during the Tartarus Campaign. Brother Matiel presented a severed Ork head to the Guardsmen defending the Spaceport of Magna Bonum to boost their morale despite the hopelessness of their task. Matiel was killed fighting the possessed form of the Alpha Legion Sorcerer Sindri.
Sergeant Furio
-Devastator Sergeant of the 3rd Company during the Tartarus Campaign.
Sergeant Saulh
-Saulh is a trusted sergeant of the 9th Company. Who took the Strike Cruiser the Rage of Erudition to find out what was going on with Captain Angelos when he was delayed on Rahe's Paradise. Saulh commanded his ship in conjunction with the Ravenous Spirit in fighting the Dark Eldar Dragon Ship above Rahe's Paradise.
Sergeant Kohath
-Kohath has command of the Strike Cruiser the Ravenous Spirit, a trusted naval tactician, Kohath nevertheless does not enjoy fighting in space, like all Astartes he preferes to get to grips with his foe. However Kohath accepts his assignment dutifully despite whatever objections he may have.
Sergeant Merrik
-Merrik was the senior sergeant and officer of the 1st Tactical squad during the Campaign for the Aurelia sub-sector. However Sergeant Merrik fell in battle against the Orks on Calderis, Sergeant Aramus then promoted Sergeant Tarkus to command of the 1st Squad.
Sergeant Hyrcleon
-Sergeant of the 2nd Tactical Squad of the 5th Company.
Sergeant Eleazer
-Sergeant of the 4th Tactical Squad of the 5th Company.
Sergeant Tarkus
-Tarkus was a senior warrior serving in the 3rd Tactical squad however he was passed over for promotion many times till Aramus promoted him to command of the 1st Tactical Squad after the death of Merrik. Tarkus was eventually transferred to the command of Captain Diomedes and participated in the defeat of the corrupted Chapter Master Kyras. Sergeant Tarkus personally slew the fallen Sergeant Avitus and swore a vow of silence after doing so, a vow he only broke to remind Captain Diomedes of his duty when all seemed lost. [rightsidebar=Author][left]Vash 113 is a long time player of 40k but has only recently joined the ranks of the Space Marines. He recently did a lot of research into the Salamanders to help others start their own Salamanders companies. Now finished with that project, he has compiled a history of the Blood Ravens for the community to enjoy.[/left][/rightsidebar]
Sergeant Thaddeus
-Sergeant Thaddeus commanded 7th Assault Squad during the Aurelia Campaign, for Thaddeus the campaign was more than just another war, it was defending his homeworld of Meridian, Thaddeus grew up in the underhives of Meridian and along with Aramus was the first recruit to be taken from Meridian in centuries. While returning to the Capitol from operations behind the Tyranid lines Thaddeus discovered two youths who had survived the Tyranid onslaught and brought them to Aramus to become initiates to the Chapter. Sergeant Thaddeus was eventually transferred to Captain Diomedes command and participated in the defeat of the corrupted Chapter Master Kyras.
Sergeant Avitus
-Avitus is a dour and cruel warrior who holds no mercy or compassion for the unaugmented masses of the Imperium following the Campaign for Kronus and the deadly battle the Blood Ravens fought against the stubborn Imperial Guard there. Avitus commanded the 9th Devasator squad during the Aurelia Campaign. Sergeant Avitus fell to the taint of chaos during the Battle for Aurelia and was slain by Sergeant Tarkus.
Sergeant Aramus
-Battle Brother Aramus of the Blood Ravens 5th Company was promoted to Command of the 3rd Tactical squad after the death of Sergeant Forrin and with the death of Merrik became the senior most Tactical Squad Sergeant of the Blood Ravens expedition, with Captan Thule badly injured and out of action that left Sergeant Aramus in charge though he struggled to come to grips with the sudden responsibilities of command. The relic Power Sword Wisdom carried by Thule was thought lost during the fight with the Tyranid Warrior that brought the Captain low but was later recovered and wielded in battle by Aramus. Sergeant Aramus was successfull in leading the Blood Ravens to victory though ultimately at a heavy cost.
Sergeant Forrin
-Sergeant Forrin commanded the 3rd Tactical Squad of the Blood Ravens 5th Company immediately prior to Sergeant Aramus but was killed while fighting the Tyranids on Prosperon.
Sergeant Eberros
-Fell during the battle for the Sub-Sector Aurelia fighting the Tyranid xenos. Commemorated with a tomb on the jungle world of Typhon Primaris.
Sergeant Sarpedon
-Member of the 5th Company and part of Apothecary Galan's expedition.
Sergeant Endymion
-Fell in battle fighting alongside Librarian Jonah Orion on Aurelia, member of the 5th Company under Captain Davian Thule.
Sergeant Hilkiah
-Devastator Sergeant of the 3rd Company during the Rahe's Paradise Campaign.
Sergeant Necho
-Assault Sergeant of the 3rd Company during the Rahe's Paradise Campaign.
Sergeant Gaal
-Tactical Sergeant of the 3rd Company during the Rahe's Paradise Campaign.
Sergeant Asherah
-Tactical Sergeant of the 3rd Company during the Rahe's Paradise Campaign whose squad was assigned a Razorback during the battle to defend the Blood Ravens Fortress Monastery against the Eldar invaders. Sergeant Asherah was killed by a Necron Scarab Swarm towards the end of the battle.
Scout Sergeant Cyrus
-Scout Sergeant Cyrus is a legendary figure of the Blood Ravens who has trained scouts for many long years and tutored a number of the Chapters greatest heroes of modern times. He also served with the mysterious and elite Deathwatch of the Ordo Xenos and was a valued asset to the Blood Ravens during the Aurelia Campaign. Sergeant Cyrus was eventually transferred to Captain Diomedes command and participated in the defeat of the corrupted Chapter Master Kyras.
Scout Sergeant Caleb
-Sergeant of the scouts assigned to the training and recruitment outpost on Rahe's Paradise under the command of Father Librarian Jonas. Caleb lost his men to the Eldar scouting for Sergeant Tanthius but Caleb managed to return and report the discovery.
Scout Sergeant Corallis
-Sergeant in command of the scouts of the 3rd Company. Captain Angelos assigned him to his command squad directly from the scout squad. However during the fighting on Tartarus Coralis suffered terrible injuries at the hands of Warp Spider Aspect Warriors from the Biel Tan craftworld. However with Bionics to replace his damaged limbs and organs Coralis returned to service in a short ammount of time.
Scout Sergeant Priam
-A skilled and experienced member of the 10th Company who saw service in the Aurelia Campaign.
Scout Sergeant Mikaelus
-Sergeant of a Scout Squad assigned to Gabriel Angelos' 3rd Company during the Tartarus Campaign. Mikaelus and his squad were dispatched to investigate the Orks and discover the location of the Warboss, instead the Scouts ran into a force of Alpha Legion Traitor Astartes and were slaughtered.
Veteran Brother Daedus
-Terminator serving during the Aurelia Campaign.
Veteran Brother Hurios
-Member of Sergeant Tanthius' Terminator Squad during the Tartarus Campaign.
Squadron Leader Topheth
-Attack Bike commander of the 3rd Company during the Rahe's Paradise Campaign.
Brother Vela
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company during the mission to Prosperon. Vela took command of the squad after the fall of Sergeant Forrin but was killed shortly thereafter by a Lictor, though he managed to blast off one of its arms with his Meltagun before he fell.
Brother Durio
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company during the mission to Prosperon. Durio took command of the squad after the death of Battle-Brother Vela. Brother Durio fell in battle to defeat a Carnifex and allow Apothecary Gordian and Brother Aramus to escape with the objective and the Squad's gene-seed.
Brother Milius
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company during the mission to Prosperon. Killed in action against Tyranid Warriors after killing a dozen of them himself.
Brother Qao
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company during the mission to Prosperon. Brother Qao dispatched a Broodlord and its retinue of Genestealers before the xenos bio acid killed him.
Brother Kraal
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company during the mission to Prosperon. Brother Kraal was killed by a Tyranid Spore Mine.
Brother Javier
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company during the mission to Prosperon. Brother Javier fell fighting a brood of Ravenors, four fell before him before the fifth took him down.
Brother Quinzi
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company during the mission to Prosperon. Brother Quinzi fell to a Carnifex.
Brother Siano
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company during the mission to Prosperon. Brother Siano fell to a Carnifex bio-acid weapon symbiote.
Brother Bonaparte
-Member of the 5th Company and part of Apothecary Galan's expedition, fell in battle on the Space Hulk Judgment of Carrion.
Brother Lucanus
-Member of the 5th Company and part of Apothecary Galan's expedition, fell in battle on the Space Hulk Judgment of Carrion.
Brother Sten
-Member of the 1st Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Xiao
-Member of the 1st Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Mettius
-Member of the 1st Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Eumenis
-Member of the 1st Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Proclus
-Member of the 1st Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Tane
-Member of the 1st Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Nord
-Member of the 1st Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Horatius
-Member of the 1st Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Voire
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Zach
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Isek
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Cirrac
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Siddig
-Member of the 3rd Tactical Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Loew
-Member of the 7th Assault Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Renzo
-Member of the 7th Assault Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Shar
-Member of the 7th Assault Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Marr
-Member of the 7th Assault Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Skander
-Member of the 7th Assault Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Brandt
-Member of the 7th Assault Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Takayo
-Member of the 7th Assault Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Kell
-Member of the 7th Assault Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Philetus
-Member of the 9th Devastator Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Gagan
-Member of the 9th Devastator Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Dow
-Member of the 9th Devastator Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Barabbas
-Member of the 9th Devastator Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Safir
-Member of the 9th Devastator Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Elon
-Member of the 9th Devastator Squad of 5th Company.
Brother Pontius
-Member of the 9th Devastator Squad of 5th Company.
Scout Ckrius
-A young Guardsmen on Tartarus, Ckrius was quickly given command of a Storm Trooper squad for his steadfastness and skill. The young sergeant gained the attention of Sergeant Tanthius of the Blood Ravens when he was sent to aid the chapter in storming a corrupted cathedral and fight the Alpha Legion as they tried to recover the key that would unlock the Maledictum and release the Daemon trapped inside. Ckrius was recruited into the Chapter and managed to survive the initial transformations even at an accelerated rate though the acceleration caused mutations in Ckrius hands turning them into a mess of tentacles, though rather than putting down the mutated Scout, Gabriel Angelos allowed him to live, a worrying turn of events for the weakening Chapter.
Scout Kuros
-Member of Scout Squad Mikaelus during the Tartarus Campaign. Killed by the Alpha Legion Sorcerer Sindri.
Scout Caleb
-Scout assigned to Rahe's Paradise under the tutelage of Librarian Jonas. Caleb was one of the few survivors of the battle for Rahe's Paradise.
Scout Xenakis
-Member of Sergeant Cyrus' Scout Squad during the Aurelia Campaign.
Scout Jutan
-Member of Sergeant Cyrus' Scout Squad during the Aurelia Campaign.
Scout Muren
-Member of Sergeant Cyrus' Scout Squad during the Aurelia Campaign.
Scout Tubach
-Member of Sergeant Cyrus' Scout Squad during the Aurelia Campaign.
Scout Watral
-Member of Sergeant Cyrus' Scout Squad during the Aurelia Campaign.
Scout Abraim
-Member of Sergeant Caleb's Scout Squad stationed on Rahe's Paradise.
Initiate Varjak
-Initiate to the Chapter recruited from Rahe's Paradise, shows significant psychic potential.
Dawn of War Novel
Dawn of War Game
Dawn of War: Winter Assault Game
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade Game
Dawn of War: Soulstorm Game
Dawn of War: Ascension Novel
Dawn of War: Tempest Novel
Dawn of War II Novel
Dawn of War II Game
Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising
Dawn of War II: Retribution
Index Astartes: Blood Ravens